Laundry Point
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Dry Cleaning & Laundry Agency Work

When we developed Laundry Point, we knew that to be successful we had to get two things right. First, we needed to create a laundry & dry cleaning service that customers wanted above all others. Then, for quality drycleaners and laundries to take our agency work it needed to be highly profitable for them.

Laundry Point’s founders and our family have owned and operated an inner-city Melbourne dry cleaning business for over 40 years. We listen carefully to our customers every day and have watched their needs and expectations change over time. It is from that knowledge and experience that we developed the brand and the technology that our customers asked for. The total number of loyal Laundry Point customers keeps growing week in week out. So the proof is in the sales, we know we have got that part right.

Dry cleaning agency

Getting the Launderer side right was easy too. Why? Because we know from experience exactly what it is like on the supplier side. The landlords, energy companies, staff and super, and don’t even let us get started on the banks and the taxman! These costs are inevitable, there’s just no escaping them. But why are there are only crumbs and grey hair left at the end? There are just too many greedy fingers in too small a pie!

We knew there had to be a better way. Laundry Point is a system that is part of the solution, not part of the problem. That’s why we take far less commission than any other comparable business in this industry. Read on to find out exactly how much you can expect to earn as a Laundry Point Launderer.

Are you DIA affiliated? You can be receiving profitable dry cleaning agency work in just days. Fill in our contact form to receive a brochure.

Proud to retain just 20% commission

Laundry Point does not obtain customers by trying to destroy its competition through price. We get our customers by providing an industry leading, on demand pickup and delivery service that people have grown to not just want but expect. Gee thanks a lot Uber Eats!

So, not only do we only retain 20% commission, the customer usually pays for at least part of that commission in the form of an increased base price for the service. After all, whilst price is something the customer considers when all things are equal, we have made sure that all things are not equal – our ability to provide an exceptional service at the touch of a button or two is cutting edge. When we combine that with the high quality job that you do Laundry Point has a winning formula that the customers just love.

In fact, you make so much with Laundry Point (thanks to our unusually small commission) that we don’t need to hide what you get in your pocket, we can tell you right up front:

Wash, Dry & Fold Laundry per kg $5
Ironing per item $3 – $6.16
Dry Cleaning per item $10.78 – $21.56
Wash & Iron Bedding & Kitchen per item $15.40
Doonas, Underlays, Blankets etc per item $38.50

This is what you get in your pocket after transaction fees & our commission is taken out.

What could be simpler?

Great money. Minimal start-up costs. Equipment you already own. Leave the hard work of attracting clients up to us. Building a profitable business has never been so fast, easy and risk free.  We are here with you every step of the way to help you grow as big and as fast as you want.

Fill in our contact form including your business location and whether you are a laundry or dry cleaner to receive a brochure. You can get profitable dry cleaning and laundry agency work in just days if you are a dry cleaner that is DIA affiliated.

We only work with DIA affiliated dry cleaners to ensure the highest possible quality job for our customers. Moreover, for just $210 a quarter their membership fees cover an invaluable customer complaint service to take the headache out of this process for all involved. If you’re not currently affiliated, no problems, it is easy to become a member. Visit them here for more information on what you receive for that cost, we believe that it represents great value.

Laundry is our life.

We understand each pain barrier along the road to success and how to get through it.  You’re every bit as important to Laundry Point as the clients we bring to you. We’re here to help every step of the way.